to contact Interpage
Interpage Network Services, Inc. has
business hours M-F from 9:00AM to 5:30PM Pacific Time. (GMT+8)
During business hours, we may be reached by telephone at:
* +1 (650) 331-3900: Cust Svc., Billing, & Sales
* +1 (617) 696-8000: General Business Office
* +1 (650) 292-1600: Support/Billing Fax (24-hours)
* +1 (617) 850-0420: Activation/Non-customer (24-hours)
Outside of business hours, we may be reached via:
* Voicemail to any of the above voice numbers
* +1 (650) 331-3900, Option 3:
24-Hour System Status Recording
* +1 (650) 331-3900, Option 4: Fax
* +1 (617) 314-8731: On-Call Service Dispatch
(Service Contract customers only)
* Web Mail Support/Inquiry interface
03/17/2009: The above web-based contact page is being updated; on a temporary basis, please mail directly to:
[email protected]. Thank you!
(The above may also be used for correspondence during business hours as well. NOTE: We do not accept Unsolicited Commercial Fax ("spam") messages at ANY of Interpage's fax numbers or those of our customers. All violations will be prosecuted. The posting of fax numbers anywhere on the Interpage web site is for customers, inquiries and authorized users only.)
Web-On-Demand Brochures and Literature
To view some informational files via Interpage's FaxUp℠ service, including new service announcements, please visit:, log in as guest, do not use a password (leave it blank).